Editorial: Georgia’s Election Debacle Shows Latest Voter Suppression Tricks

Before this presidency, it didn’t occur to most Americans that their president would more likely than not try to openly and shamelessly steal a presidential election. It probably would never have crossed our minds before now that a sitting president might refuse to leave office if not re-elected. Sure, we’ve had contested elections in the past; and when we suspected that an office or seat was given unfairly or dishonestly, we were shocked and angered.

In America in 2020, however, many Americans, though angered, are no longer shocked. We have come to expect that Donald Trump and his allies will do what they can to remove fairness from any election in the U.S.

The current GOP, who has historically prided itself on the idea of more, not less, personal freedom, and less, not more, government regulation, has in fact waged a war on democracy and personal freedoms for years.

They’ve done their best to prevent safe and legal abortions, even though the freedom to have an abortion has been protected by law since 1973. They’ve turned themselves inside out in their efforts to prevent same-sex marriage, as well as various other basic human rights for the LGBTQ community. They’ve tried to force a particularly strict, intolerant, exclusionist brand of Christianity—Fundamentalist Evangelical Christianity—onto Americans as the religion that would govern the decisions made by legislators and courts. And not only can’t a lot of them bring themselves to take a stand against systemic racism, many of them, through their action (or inaction) support it.

They’ve tried to undermine free and fair access to voting, citing “widespread voter fraud,” even though evidence shows that voter fraud is rare. They’ve practiced gerrymandering to benefit their own party. And, riding on their president’s bandwagon, they’re trying to prevent as many Americans as possible from voting by mail, despite the threat of COVID-19 for people who would vote in person.

Now, we have only to look at Georgia’s primary election this week to conclude that the latest tool in the GOP Democracy-squelching box of tools is the use of more widespread, blatant, and unapologetic voter suppression tactics. In a situation one usually associates with authoritarian banana republics, thousands of Georgia voters found it impossible or nearly so to cast their votes on Tuesday.

Many voters who had requested mail-in ballots, including African American Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, never received them. Others received their mail-in ballots, but were unable to use them.

Former Democratic candidate for governor, Stacey Abrams, who lost the election to Republican Kemp by a narrow margin, said that her ballot had arrived with the return label sealed, and thus unusable.

“I tried to steam it open because I watched a lot of ‘Perry Mason.’ It didn’t work, so I had to go vote in person,” Abrams said.

In some areas, new voting machines were not delivered in time for the election, and as a result, some voters showed up to precincts where they couldn’t vote, or had to wait for the slow process of manual vote processing. Some precincts didn’t have enough paper ballots to accommodate voters.

Many election officials were not trained in using the voting machines at the precincts where they were delivered. Electronic voting equipment often produced errors, again requiring votes to be slowly processed by hand.

Even voters who had shown up at 7 a.m. and were at the beginning of the line often had to wait for hours to vote because their precincts didn’t open on time.

One woman, who had gotten in line early in order to vote before having a scheduled surgery later that day, waited for hours, only to discover that her precinct was one of those that didn’t have any machines. She finally had to get out of line, and didn’t get to vote.

“This is a way of discouraging people from voting,” said the woman’s husband, who is African American. “It’s unacceptable. If we’re going through this now, just think what November is going to be like.”

Another voter, Bobby Fuse, a Democratic activist, said, “It’s the same game that we were fighting 50 years ago. There’s always some sneaky trick that’s played. This time, they had a whole bunch of sneaky tricks.”

Though both Republicans and Democrats hurled blame at each other for what happened in Georgia on Tuesday, Georgia has long been troubled by allegations of voter disenfranchisement and voter suppression by Republicans, particularly in communities that are predominantly African-American. For generations, civil rights groups and African American leaders have fought policies implemented by Republican officials, most recently led by Brian Kemp, Georgia’s Republican governor, when he was Georgia’s secretary of state.

Is it just coincidence that those who most felt the impact from the voting chaos on Tuesday were again African American voters and their communities?

Cliff Albright, the co-founder of the Black Voters Matter Fund, said that what happened on Georgia’s Election Day indicates that authorities either “don’t care about our vote or they care about our vote and they know the power of our vote and they are intentionally trying to suppress it. But,” he said, “People waited it out. That means they are passionate about voting.”

Many American communities have known for generations what more and more “mainstream” white Americans are discovering: We can never take for granted that being American will always guarantee that we’ll be able to freely vote, or that a corrupt president will be justly dealt with. But we must not stop standing in line, and we must not stop showing up.

Georgia election problems reported as long lines and computer problems arise  |  11 Alive [2020-06-09]

Georgia voters experience major voting issues during primary election | CBS News [2020-06-10]

The Difference Between What Donald Trump Did and What Joe Biden Did

Ever since a whistleblower came forward with the allegation of a quid pro quo between Donald Trump and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Trump’s supporters have scrambled. According to the whistleblower’s account, Trump pressured Zelenskiy to investigate his political opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter Biden, as a condition for releasing needed military aid funds that had already been allocated to Ukraine. 

At first, Trump’s supporters quickly denied that there was a quid pro quo. Then, when it became apparent that denial was a lie, they tried to rationalize Trump’s actions with the idea that quid pro quo situations happen “all the time” between the U.S. and foreign governments. Now that the whistleblower’s story has been widely corroborated by a number of credible witnesses who found Trump’s actions “troubling,” Trump’s supporters are desperately trying to divert attention away from possible wrongdoing by equating Trump’s actions with those of Joe Biden when Biden had worked to help remove a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor.

On the November 10, 2019 broadcast of NBC’s Meet the Press, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), echoed the current GOP talking points when he said, “I think, really, what’s going to happen is people are going to say, ‘Oh, they’re impeaching President Trump for exactly the same thing that Joe Biden did.’

“He threatened the aid, if they didn’t fire someone. And supposedly, the president did, if they didn’t investigate someone. So it sounds exactly like what Joe Biden did. And if they weren’t going to impeach Joe Biden, they look like, you know, hypocrites, in a way, for going only after President Trump and having not a word to say about what Joe Biden did…It’s exactly the same scenario.”

But it isn’t.

Rand Paul was referring to the idea that (then vice president) Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was a paid board member of the Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, during the time that then Vice President Joe Biden was working to have a Ukrainian prosecutor removed in order to, as Paul, and other Trump supporters put it, stop the prosecutor from investigating Hunter Biden’s company. This is, at best, a stretching of certain facts. 

Later in the show, Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.), said, “…That has nothing to do, absolutely nothing to do with the actions of the United States president in extorting Ukraine in a way that damaged our national security.”

Joe Biden was not trying to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor to keep him from investigating his son’s company. He was trying to follow through, with the support of U.S. allies, on removing a prosecutor who was failing to investigate Ukrainian corruption, and who many agreed was himself corrupt. Contrary to damaging national security, Biden’s efforts were to strengthen security for Ukraine, as well as its allies. 

At the same time that some of Trump’s supporters have conceded that there may have been a quid pro quo, they’re also quick to try to say that Trump’s first interest was to fight corruption in Ukraine. With a president who, according to the Washington Post, has made more than 14,500 false or misleading claims during his presidency as of October 14, 2019, this is hard to imagine. What’s more, at the time Trump had decided to conditionally withhold military aid from Ukraine, the U.S. Departments of Defense and State had both certified that Ukraine had made great progress in decreasing corruption, and recommended the U.S. proceed with the aid to Ukraine. 

In resorting to “what-aboutism” as a defense against the whistleblower’s complaint and all of the testimony that backs it up, Trump’s supporters appear to be aware that they have little else to present as an argument. 

Full Himes: ‘We’ve Got To Get Off This Quid Pro Quo Thing’ | Meet The Press | NBC News [2019-11-10]

Biden defends son’s dealings in Ukraine while attacking Trump | Fox News