* America divided, Trumpcare blame, Trump vs. truth (2017-03-27)

Liberal & Uncategorized


1. A polarized America (2017-03-26)


CBS Sunday Morning – “Increasingly, we Americans occupy alternate universes, with very little common ground — only battling perceptions of reality. A Pew study finds 81% of voters say they cannot agree with the other side on basic facts, and in this age of the Internet and cable TV, very little is out of bounds. Ted Koppel talks with Fox News host Sean Hannity, New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, and Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute about the state of political discourse today.”

1. Pro-Trump mother attacked at Trump rally (2017-03-06)


Fox Business – “Eva Peters explains how she was injured during a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley, Calif.”

2. Trump blames Democrats for health bill failure (2017-03-24)


CNN – “President Trump blames Democrats for the GOP health bill not passing, saying that Obamacare is exploding.”

2. Why Democrats opposed Trump’s health care bill (2017-03-24)


Fox Business – “Former Trump National Diversity Coalition Chair Brunell Donald-Kyei on why Democrats opposed the GOP’s health care plan.”

3. President Trump and the truth (2017-03-26)


CNN – “After standing by his claims in an interview with Time on truth & falsehoods, Trump tries to find his footing as his credibility comes under question.”

3. President Trump: Media dishonesty is out of control (2017-02-16)


Fox Business – “President Trump addresses the mainstream media during a press conference from the White House’s East Room.”

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